Hildene’s staff provides an unrivaled amount of dedication to their work and support to our guests. Click on a name for the email link, or call direct. Our staff looks forward to hearing from you.
Join us
At Hildene you won't just be doing a job, you’ll be living the Lincoln Legacy.
Together as a team we're fulling Hildene’s purpose: to educate and inspire all generations by bringing the legacy of the Lincoln family to life.
Want to make an impact and change the world together? Visit the job opportunities below and apply to come join us!
FT Welcome Center Guest Services Associate
PT Welcome Center Guest Services Associate
Brian Keefe
Nan Bambara
Advancement Director
Matt Beattie
Grounds Manager
Sarah Blair
Director, Retail Operations & Guest Services
Craig Borden
Sandra Brent
Group Tour Coordinator
Carmine Cole
Director of Partner Engagements
Kara Ernst
Hildene Farm, Animal Care
Eileen Foster
Administrative Officer
Christine Furman
Community Relations Coordinator
Peg Galloup
Creamery Manager/Head Cheesemaker
Mariah Goodwin
Hildene Farm, Animal Care
Ann Hausslein
Hildene Farm Gardens Manager & Educator
Misty Hosley
Hildene Farm, Goat Dairy Manager
Jaime Jones
Head of Housekeeping
Samantha LaPlante
Andrea Luchini
Horticulturist & Greenhouse Manager
Lisa Maggio
Youth Education Director
Anne-Marie Malack
Welcome Center Associate
Travis Martin
Patricia G. Michael
Assistant Manager, Welcome Center & The Museum Store
Stephanie Moffett-Hynds
Programming Director
Amanda Pappas
Accounts Payable Specialist
Gary Parzych
Exhibits Manager
Kimberley Pinsonneault
Hildene Farm Livestock Manager & Educator
Ted Rappahahn
Finance Director
Theresa Schmelzenbach
Hospitality Coordinator
Dennis St. John
Buildings & Grounds
Tom Taylor
Welcome Center, Pullman, Home
Hannah Troumbley
Hildene Farm Staff
Nancy Truettner
Membership and Database Coordinator
Kyle Turner
Youth Education Assistant
Terry Yurko
Hildene Farm Staff
Bob Waibel
Equipment Manager & Buyer