Guided Tour

Guided Tours begin with an introduction outside the house and continue into the center hall, followed by walkthrough of Robert and Mary's home. You will learn about Robert Lincoln as a family man and member of his community, and we hope you will leave knowing more about him, his wife, Mary and their family. Tours are offered Thursday - Monday, at 11am and 1:00pm. It will take approximately 45 minutes.  

PLEASE NOTE: Tours are suspended during our peak foliage season,  September 15  - October 31, resuming on November 1. Our staff will be  located throughout the home during this period and are available to answer questions.

The Guided Tour is not included in the General Admission and is an additional fee (including for Members): $12/Adults & Youth
Prior registration of at least 48 hours in advance, is required. To reserve a Guided Tour please call the Welcome Center at 802-367-7968.